Sunday, March 8, 2015






This Free "YES I CAN Quit Smoking" Protocol gives you the tools, techniques and awareness you need to empower you to Stop Smoking. 

It incorporates Meditation processes and Breathing techniques
 for Stress Management and increased Self Awareness!

It is an easy to understand and apply 'system' that supports the need or desire to quit smoking!

Famous Swiss Psychotherapist Carl Jung said that the human personality is made up of many different 'inner selves'. These, he suggested, tended to have masculine and feminine traits, and are a complex of many possible selves. He called these "The Universal Archetypes." Jungian Psychology refers to these as 'Sub-Personalities'. The process offered here is designed to assist you to develop your "Inner Family" awareness.

Cultural Anthropologist Joseph Campbell referenced his experiences traveling all over the world for over 40 years, studying Myth and Legend in varied cultures across the globe and across history. His work validates Jung's theories of the "Universal Archetypes". He wrote the books "The Power of Myth" and "The Hero with a Thousand Faces."

When Campbell recorded his "Power of Myth" cultural anthropology series for television, he asked George Lucas for permission to film it at Skywalker Ranch, home of the Star Wars Film Series production. Campbell wanted to acknowledge the powerful symbolism in the Star Wars Trilogy, as what he called the "Best modern day representation of Jung's Universal Archetypes". Luke Skywalker represents 'The Innocent Child' on the journey to manhood. Han Solo - 'The Hero', Princess Leia - 'The Divine Feminine or Divine Mother', Obi Wan Kinobi - 'The Wise One', and Darth Vader - 'The Shadow Self'.

Each of us has, as personality, a complex of many different inner selves. Some of these selves are based on the Universal Archetypes. Some are 'corrupted' versions of Archetypal selves. An example of this: The Archetypal "Inner Judge" is discerning and fair, and has no preconceived opinions. The 'corrupted' inner judge may be harsh, critical, unfair and condemning without cause or justification. As we develop our own 'Inner Family' awareness we gradually become aware of 'who' the inner voices are that drive our behaviors. Our good and beneficial behaviors, as well as our 'bad' or destructive or harmful behaviors.

This "YES I CAN QUIT SMOKING" Protocol can be easily
 adapted to change OTHER unwanted behaviors!

PART I: Expanding Self Awareness!

Developing the "Inner Family." The beginning of the "YES I CAN Quit Smoking Protocol" involves a combination of meditation or contemplative processes, and some note taking. Start with drawing a large circle on a piece of paper. This represents your "Inner Family" gathering place. Place your "Present Time Adult Self" on the page somewhere, by name. (You might call it: "Present Self,'  'Adult Self,' or simply write down your name, or write "Me" or "Myself.") Then use your imagination to become more aware of the many different parts of yourself. As you envision or name another inner self, write the name of that 'self' to the page. If you feel like you're 'making it up', set that feeling aside, and continue to follow the process!
Where you place the Inner Family members on the page is entirely optional and intuitive. Look for 'inner selves' such as your "Innocent Child" self, and "Wounded Child", or "Rebel Child". Look for the "Inner Mate" . . . your perceived ideal partner.

Look as well for the "Inner Wise One." This may be a familiar 'self', or may seem like an external being, rather than an 'inner family member' who is joining your inner family circle.
It may seem like a wise guide or spirit guide. Call in your 'Health Conscious Self', and write your name for that 'self' on the page.

PART II: Conducting the "Inner Family" Conference.
In your mind declare your intention to call an "Inner Family Conference". As your "Present Time Adult Self" ask your "Higher Self" . . your own innately wise inner self, to call forth ALL of the members of the "Inner Family of Selves" who have an interest in an Inner Family Conference focused on your desire to quit smoking. Invite those 'Inner Family' members who want to participate, as well as those who just want to observe. Invite the "Inner Smoker", and the "Inner Health Conscious Self." Call in the "Inner Athlete" or part of yourself that values, or perceives the possible value of activity, movement or exercise.
Ask that ALL members of your inner family who have any interest in, or anything to contribute to an Inner Family Conference to focus on your Desire to QUIT SMOKING, to join the circle. Continue to identify different 'selves', write down names, and make notations of specific things you become aware of about the individual "Inner Family" members. This may include things like: "The Inner Child" is afraid, and wants to sit in your Present Adult Self's lap, or wants the "Divine Mother" or "Inner Mother" to sit with them.

This concept can seem frivolous and 'made up'! Be willing to suspend judgment, and try to be open to the possibility that there may be a meaningful potential here! The worst thing that will happen is that you will invest a little time and will become more 'self aware,' and develop a deeper understanding of what 'drives'  both beneficial and unwanted behaviors, including holding on to 'limiting belief systems' ("Other people Can Quit Smoking, but not me!),"or 'toxic emotions', such as anger or feelings of being victimized from the past.

As the concept of the "Inner Family" gathering develops, and you continue to record it on your page, begin to discern who among those gathered will support you to Quit Smoking, and who will resist or possibly attempt to sabotage you! Continue to develop your 'Inner Family Gathering' until you feel that those members of your Inner Family who are KEY players in your smoking behavior have joined in.

Call upon the "Inner Smoker" self to come before the group. Sincerely express your appreciation for the Intention and Devotion with which the Inner Smoker began and continued the smoking habit to contribute to your well-being. Acknowledge any ways in which you and/or the inner smoker have experienced Benefit from smoking! Consider this sincerely! Perhaps you perceived or experienced Social benefit such as 'looking cool' or 'fitting in'. When you started smoking others may have thought you were Cool or Interesting or Grown Up, Clever, Daring, or Fashionable. What about Now? Are there Payoffs to Smoking? Does smoking allow you to take Breaks from stressful work  or personal situations that you might not otherwise take breaks from? Does it assist you to feel like you can handle stress better? Does it make you feel like you've started Breathing more fully again? Does it make you feel like there is a special group to which you belong? Is it a tool you use to transition from one environment to another, to create quiet or alone time to process upsets or complete unfinished stressful dialogues? Many people find that Smoking becomes a form of meditation! It slows you down, and makes you focus, or enables you to STOP focusing on the same thing that you don't Want to be focusing on, and move on.

Fully acknowledged the value and contribution that smoking, and 'The Smoker' have brought you. Thank the 'Inner Smoker' for that service and devotion. Tell the 'Inner Smoker' that you recognize and value his/her support in stressful circumstances, and his/her devotion to serve you and support your well-being in the "Highest Way It Knows How!"

Tell your 'smoker' self that You want to QUIT SMOKING, and that you recognize that there are ways it has served you to smoke, and that you now desire for those benefits to be fulfilled in other healthier ways!

Then, inform the Inner Smoker that because of this cleverness and devotion, you are asking it (him/her) to join into an alliance with one, two or more OTHER Inner Family members, and your Present Time Self to develop a Healthier way to provide for those needs, and ask it to become a Partner in evolving the old "Smoking" response or habit to a new healthier response to stress, or needing a break, or having a 'social ritual' that makes you feel connected, and gives the feeling of belonging.

Tell the 'Inner Smoker' that you realize that right Now it still perceives Smoking as the best and most effective response to certain circumstances. Ask the 'Inner Athlete', or 'Inner Health Conscious Self', or 'Inner Wise One', or the 'Inner Lover', or some other self that is passionate about life, and about health and your well-being, to agree to form an alliance with You and the Inner Smoker to develop new and healthy responses to circumstances previously met with smoking. Give the 'Inner Smoker' support to have some authority and control over the process! Make it clear to the 'Inner Smoker' that you are interested and willing to work with it, and want it to work with you.

Ask the 'Inner Smoker' to agree to make a Contract with you and the 'Allies' who are the members of the "Stop Smoking Alliance"! The contract looks something like this:

An agreement is made that WHENEVER you have thoughts of desiring to smoke, or a feeling of craving to smoke, You agree that the Inner Smoker still has permission to Choose to smoke in exchange for a commitment that FIRST you will go someplace, alone preferably, at your first possible opportunity, and will sit down, and close your eyes, and for ONE FULL MINUTE you take Long, Slow Deep Breaths with your thoughts focused on the 'In Breath' being Health and Life giving, and cleansing, and the 'Out Breath' being a natural and effortless way to release any distressed feelings or thoughts, stress or tension, or whatever 'needs' to be released. Then, after One Full minute, the Inner Smoker has permission to smoke if still desired. An additional commitment is made that When/If you DO smoke, you agree to stay FULLY present and keep your attention on smoking, and pay particular attention to when and if you reach the feeling of having 'smoked enough' to satisfy the desire. And when you reach that point, put the cigarette out and discard it. (Regardless of how much of it is left!)

This process tends to result in gradually smoking less and less, and gradually desiring it less and less, and finding it easier and easier to forgo 'a smoke' when the thought or inclination does occur. You will gradually smoke less of each cigarette, and smoke less often, and most importantly, you will become more conscious of remembering to breathe fully and deeply, and you will spontaneously 'reset' your breathing when stressful circumstances arise!

A helpful tip: It can empower the process dynamically, and expedite it meaningfully if you PRACTICE long slow deep breathing at Other times, in addition to times you might crave or think about smoking. It can be helpful to simply Practice long slow deep relaxing breaths whenever the opportunity presents itself!

Naturally, it is necessary to 'customize' this Stop Smoking Protocol to your personal life circumstances, and situation! Make it Do-Able! Maybe you can't "DO" the practice as often as you'd like, or when you'd like. Adapt it, and make it work as best you can given your circumstances. As Long as you do Both parts, you have a Very high potential to succeed! Here is Your Key to Success: Stay Committed! Don't Give UP!   Keep Saying to yourself:  "YES I CAN QUIT SMOKING!!! And Keep Breathing!


Helpful Tips:  One of the keys to success is in Replacing the Value you have perceived from smoking, and the ritual aspects, with Other behaviors. For Instance: consider take up drinking Green Tea, which will support the body to cleanse toxins from smoking and help keep the body well-hydrated, which supports releasing the toxins that stimulate cravings in the blood stream, as an alternative to smoking. Consider taking frequent short walks, and practicing deep breathing, and imagine breathing "In Harmony With the Earth".

Ironically, MANY of our modern disease states are caused by, or complicated by the fact that we tend to not be Well Oxygenated, because we develop unconscious habits of breathing very shallowly! When we are additionally not well Hydrated, we have complex layers of barriers to Vital Health. Oxygen and Water are both ESSENTIAL to healthy Cell Regeneration and general health!

It is helpful to have Healthful Snacks, such as raw almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or carrot sticks available to replace the behavior of handling things, and to provide some satisfaction to the mouth. Other good snacks for this: Dried Dates, Cherries, Figs, or other dried fruit. (Preferably NOT the high sugar version, such as dried citrus), Or healthy Protein Bars.

In the Hawaiian tradition there is a word that most Westerners are familiar with: "Haole" ('How Lay'). Westerners think it translates literally as: "White People".  It actually means: "Those who Do Not Breathe In Harmony with The Earth!"  It has, for obvious reasons, come to be interpreted by Westerners as meaning "White People".

This Stop Smoking Protocol has the added potential benefit that You May become someone who 'breathes in harmony with the earth'. We'd all benefit if THAT happened! We've reached a moment in time where we MUST continually and steadily increase the numbers of those of us who are living 'In Harmony With the Earth', if humanity and the Earth are to survive and thrive!

 Protocol is yours F*R*E*E.

If you use it, we would appreciate receiving some feedback from you! Was it Helpful? Did it Work? What was easy? If it Did help you, we encourage you to share with others that you Successfully Stopped Smoking! Please tell them how you did it, and tell them how to access this "FREE Stop Smoking Protocol!"

Let us know: How well did it work?  Was difficult?  Was it confusing?  What surprised you?  Were you able to make it work with your schedule and lifestyle?  How long after you started the Protocol did it take you to succeed?  How would you change it to make it even more effective, or quicker?  Any tips or advice to improve it?

If you'd like to take an even bigger step toward health, and learn how to cleanse your body of toxins using VITAL NUTRITION protocols please take a look at my website:

Webinars: I offer a series of courses that are focused on Nutrition Education to Support Health, Boost your Immune System and support the body during recovery from illnesses such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and other illness or injury.  I also offer courses on Metaphysical Meditation Techniques including "Tools for Expanding Self-Awareness,"  "Effective Communication Skills for Relationship, Parenting and Business!"

Worksite Wellness Programs:  The PROVEN most effective way for Businesses to Save Money is by reducing Employee Absenteeism, turnover, and re-training costs! A LOT of money than can be saved in these areas! By making these courses available to your employees they can experience improved health, relationship harmony, greater personal happiness, increased productivity, and overall well-being! Your company will have the key to thriving like never before!

Phone Consultation:   If you would like to be experience a "Personalized Guided Stop Smoking Process," or other Therapeutic support, please contact me to request a private Phone Session! 

I wish you a happy Transformation and Healing Journey!

I wish you success, and send you Blessings for Good Health!

Thanks for looking at this F*R*E*E*

I welcome your questions and your feedback! 
Contact me at:

Marilyn R. Clevenger,  CCHT, CNE, CNC
Certified Clinical and Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Holistic Certified Nutrition Educator and Consultant